However, something happen at Reddars Clubhouse to make me believe ghost co-exist with us in RL or SL.. manage to capture some shots... and surprising, it looks like the dead Enzio Tamade Knnb.. I believe he's back to seek revenge.. remember the last post? There's a picture of the suspect.. and if you examine closely, there is Reddars sign behind the vehicle... and worst of all, someone had commented the suspect looks like Gizelle...... from Reddars..
It all happen very quickly. We (Zalyn, Umbra,Clarisse and I) were chit chatting at the clubhouse. It was about 2am Singapore time. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind and things start to become strange. we felt a glow of green light above us. As an avid photographer, I quickly took some shots of what's happening.. a picture speaks a thousand words.. these are what we saw...
WAH~~~ i scare myself looking at mself at times... so ghastly! yeek!
Enzio gave me a nightmare...
huannnnnn woorrrr mingggg laiiiii
Damn! This is really the 7th month...makes me lost my beauty sleep yesterday night!
The profile picture looked so cool. Almost fell in love but almost fainted with the gruesome gui. But I must give it to the photographer for being able to take the picture in perfection without vomitting. Hahaha!
*shudders* ooo... soooo... scary... i'm getting the chills already...
It was so eerie... we were talking and we suddenly felt a gush of cold wind.... like someone creeping behind us...
Luckily, I'm not at the scene or else I will freaked out totally. Probably Reddars Clubhouse will become famous overnight via the hauntings of Ghost Enzio Tamade KNNB.
I do hope after the 7th month, there's no more Ghost hanging around. Enzio, your Ghost Avatar is really scary!
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